Be Happy gengšŸ˜Ž

lessons from the Children of Israel.

Elijah Anjolaoluwa Adebimpe
3 min readFeb 19, 2020
Photo by Michael Dam on Unsplash

I have not written in a long time but while I was reading in my room this hot afternoon. It dawned on me that I needed not to be selfish and actually share what I had learnt early this year. Iā€™ll be drawing inferences from the Bible. Here we goā€¦.

Complaining doesnā€™t solve anything.
I say this because of the story of the children of Israel. They experienced Godā€™s mighty power in their quest to get out of Egypt. We all know the story of how Moses parted the red sea and how they simply had to walk through the sea. In addition to this, God led them with a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night in their journey through the wilderness. They never had to cook food, manna fell from the heavens every day except weekends. They enjoyed all these beautiful benefits.

Yet when something small went wrong, they complained and spoke against God. Youā€™d hear things like ā€œwhy did you bring us out of Egypt to suffer?ā€ And asking Aaron to make them a golden calf that they could serve. They complained when there was no water. One would have to go through the book of Exodus to see how much complaining they did. At some point, God got fed up and sent serpents to bite them and only those who looked up to the serpent on the rod were saved but then a number of them died.

Now hereā€™s where Iā€™m going. The journey from the wilderness to the land flowing with milk and honey could have taken them 40 days or less than that. Joyce Meyer, in one of her books (me and my big mouth), thinks the journey could have taken 11 days. Well, it could have taken them days but guess what, it took them 40 years because they kept on grumbling and complaining.

God hates grumbling and complaining and thatā€™s why the Bible tells us in various passages to make our requests known with Thanksgiving and also to do all things without grumbling. The children of Israel could have had a shorter journey if they focused on all the reasons to be thankful but they chose to complain at every slight situation and so they spent 40years roaming around.

Hereā€™s the lesson, itā€™s important to be thankful at all times. Complaining only magnifies the negatives. So no matter how bad things are, there is always another reason to be thankful. Dwell on those reasons and trust me, youā€™ll have a better and happier state of mind, a mind that can work on something valuable in the NOW and then take you to that TOMORROW youā€™ve always wished for.

Accept where you are now, Be Thankful and Happy regardless.
Itā€™s only with this mindset that you can work towards a better tomorrow.

