Creative rebellion — A case study of Jesus Christ.

Elijah Anjolaoluwa Adebimpe
6 min readApr 4, 2021

NOTE: We could be shaking tables today. I strongly recommend you develop an open mind before you proceed to read the entire article.

Who is a creative rebel? — “A creative rebel is a creative person who does things in their own way instead of following what everybody else says. It is not the one who makes noise or draws attention to themselves, but the one who remains steadfast and true to themselves” (

I started the year 2021 studying the new testament once again, but this time with a bit more understanding & desire to know God. The new testament introduces that which was hidden in prophecies, in the old testament. The new testament introduces freedom, a unique expression of God on earth and a new order of things in the Kingdom, different from the order of Moses.

After reading the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and then a few chapters into the book of John, I noticed a pattern which I’ll share soon enough.

A friend had just shared a sermon with me on YouTube ( by Pastor Kunle Soriyan and so thanks to this friend, I had the privilege of listening to Pastor Kunle for the first time. It was while listening to this sermon that I came across the concept of “creative rebellion” and I just couldn’t let go.

I began relating this concept to the personality of Jesus Christ, our saviour and I saw Christ in a new light, different from the usual. I was able to connect the dots based on the pattern I noticed in the new testament and the concept of “creative rebellion”. Jesus Christ came to bring in a new order, and I strongly believe he had to stay true to what he believed in, to achieve that which God had sent him to do on earth. The future of the world rested on the shoulders of this young and vibrant man.

What was this pattern?
Time after time in the new testament, Jesus Christ chose to heal the sick on the sabbath day. Now, it could have been a coincidence if this happened just twice, but 3 or more times is a pattern. I used the word “chose to” because even after the leaders of the church who were significantly older than he was, had a problem with him, he didn’t stop. He could have “at least” compromised and decide to heal the sick on a different day, but no, he kept at what he believed in. John 5:17.

The leaders of the church had problems with this because they had been so accustomed to the old ways of doing things (moral conflicts). They were so accustomed to the order of Moses (the law) that they were too blind to see that the Messiah they had been reading about in the scrolls, the one prophesied to come was right there in their midst.

I began to imagine Jesus in this present generation or myself as Christ. If I healed the sick one time on the sabbath day and the leaders of the church bashed me and told me not to, because they believed it was against how things should be done according to them, I’d probably just give in to “their norm” and then compromise on what days to heal the sick or even tell the sick to see me on a different day.

The world would probably still be in need of a saviour today.

However, Jesus kept at it and the Bible made me understand that “because Jesus was doing these things on the sabbath, the Jewish leaders began to persecute him” — John 5:16. One would think because of this, Jesus would have compromised his standards after they began to persecute him, but No, Jesus still healed a man born blind. After much investigation by the leaders of the church, they realised he had done this on the sabbath day again. It was at this point that I knew my Jesus had strong head (grit).

Now, because the Pharisees were so accustomed to the old ways and too blind to accept the new order, they died in their sins. They witnessed the mighty miracles and wisdom of Jesus, but they just held on to the old ways and they didn’t believe Jesus Christ.

Jesus could have at any point given into the ways of old, but he was on a mission to achieve something greater and beyond the present as at then. But he stayed true to what he believed in, regardless of the trials and tribulations. So you’re not the only one with a “coconut head”, the coconut head is a driver towards something no one else can achieve, it’s beyond you or the present. This is not an excuse to be stubborn or rebellious, No! There is a balance.

Experience is the greatest killer of innovation!

Photo by Matt Ridley on Unsplash

The idea of “this is how things are done or have been done in the past” has killed the visions that young ones may have had at some point in time. But thank God the experiences that the Pharisees were accustomed to, weren’t strong enough to kill God’s innovation.
If you are convinced of something within your Spirit man, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to be what God has ordained you to be. Often times, regardless of what people have to say or their personal experiences. We are all unique and someone else’s experience shouldn’t be the revelation that you hold on to or what limits you.

The Bible made us understand that John came neither eating nor drinking wine, yet people called him a demon. Jesus Christ came eating and drinking, they still called him a glutton, drunkard, friend of tax collectors and sinners. Apparently, you won’t be the first to be talked about. People will always have an opinion, but you just have to stay true to yourself.

There will come a time when we’d have to make decisions, and people around us may not understand or reason with us. What is important is taking your decision backed up by Faith because we know all things work together for good to those that love God and are called according to his purpose.

  • Rate being decisive over wasting time in the guise of waiting to take the right decision. We’re all flawed already. On our own, we can’t even know what the right decision would be at every point in time. If we knew it all, then we wouldn’t need God. Don’t kill the God-given instincts within. If you stick to your values, you will not only succeed but also prosper. The Just shall live by faith!
    I’ve learnt it takes rebellion and grit to create the life you’re truly created to live. Constantly breaking out of every norm to be different, ignoring the rules created by man and the society. This is probably the greatest form of rebellion known to man — Creation.

I was moved to write about this because I have been at this point, where I truly desire to chart a direction for my life and there were a bunch of voices and moral conflicts from outside as regards what to do or not to do and I am super sure I am not alone here.

Thank you for reading all the way to the end fam!

Happy Easter. ❤

